Reconnect with your authentic self
Lihtan Therapy Collective is a psychotherapy clinic that specializes in all aspects of your mental health, especially trauma, addiction and ADHD. We have a wonderful team of experienced therapists who offer a unique approach to therapy. Our values as a clinic include being genuine and authentic. This means, however you show up, you will be accepted, and we will work together to reconnect you to your authentic self.
Lihtan Therapy Collective (pronounced lih-tan) taken from the Old English Saxon word for making something lighter or less heavy.
The word lihtan also has connotations of bringing brightness, light and the lifting of burdens. In our work we often find that people share feeling lighter after a trauma session, no longer carrying the burden which had been weighing on them. They also reflect on finding light and hope back in their lives, essentially, reconnecting to the light that had been dimmed within themselves.
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
Dumbledore - Harry Potter Series
Understanding Trauma
Trauma, coming from the Greek word for “wound”, is described by Gabor Maté as “not what happens to you; it is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you”.
Trauma is one's experience of emotional distress resulting from an event that overwhelms the capacity to emotionally digest it. The precipitating event may be a one-time occurrence or a series of occurrences perceived as seriously harmful or life-threatening to oneself or loved ones.
Complex Trauma is a response to traumatic events occurring in early development that were ongoing and/or repetitive in nature. These events may have been interpersonal, intrusive, neglecting, unpredictable, chaotic or terrifying. They can result in profound impacts on the development of our brain, mind and body and can then be carried with us across our lifespan.
These remnants of our past can result in addictive behaviors, self-limiting beliefs, fears and anxieties, impaired development of our emotional regulation and interpersonal interactions, among others.
The good news is that healing is possible. Trauma Therapy can include modalities such as; Accelerated Resolution Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Polyvagal Therapy, Art Therapy and Somatic Experiencing.
“Don’t ask why the addiction, ask why the pain … addiction is a normal response to trauma.”

We value people first; being inclusive, non judgemental, and offering a trauma informed approach.
We offer a wide variety of therapy modalities for both individual therapy and group therapy. Some Lihtan therapists offer family therapy and couples therapy.
Group Therapy
Our Dialectical Behaviour Therapy skills group is a 16 week group focusing on mindfulness skills, distress tolerance skills, emotion regulation skills, and interpersonal effectiveness skills.
“Know all the theories. Master all the techniques. But as you touch a human soul, be another human soul.”
- Attributed to Carl G. Jung

Book an appointment today.
Lihtan Therapy Collective is a psychotherapy clinic that specializes in all aspects of your mental health, especially trauma, addiction and ADHD. We have a wonderful team of experienced therapists who offer a unique approach to therapy. We’d love to work with you.